Megaventory API v2017a

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The following routes are available for this service:
POST/SupplierClient/SupplierClientUpdateInserts a supplier/client or updates an existing one.Uses your API Key and applies a mvRecordAction value on an mvSupplierClient object. We can insert the mvSupplierClient we specified using "Insert" as our mvRecordAction. We can update a current one using "Update", we can insert it if it doesn't already exist, update it if it does using "InsertOrUpdate" and we can insert new fields or update non-empty fields of the object using "InsertOrUpdateNonEmptyFields". Optionally, you can use mvInsertUpdateDeleteSourceApplication when an external application ( eg WooCommerce ) is the one that triggers the SupplierClientUpdate call. SupplierClientId cannot be updated.



Insert a new supplier who has 2 contacts. The SupplierClientUpdate call was triggered by Magento.


   "mvSupplierClient": {
      "SupplierClientType": "Supplier",
      "SupplierClientName": "A4 Paper Supplier",
      "mvContacts": [
            "ContactName": "Andrew Stevens",
            "ContactDepartment": "A4 Papers/Printing",
            "ContactEmail": "",
            "ContantIsPrimary": "true"
            "ContactName": "Maria Weems",
            "ContactDepartment": "A4 Papers/Pictures"
      "SupplierClientBillingAddress": "41st Trueroad , Inglewood CA",
      "SupplierClientShippingAddress": "93rd Kiwi Street, Las Vegas, Nevada"
   "mvGrantPermissionsToAllUser": "true",
   "mvRecordAction": "Insert",
   "mvInsertUpdateDeleteSourceApplication": "Magento"


   "mvSupplierClient": {
      "SupplierClientID": 23,
      "SupplierClientType": "Supplier",
      "SupplierClientName": "A4 Paper Supplier",
      "mvContacts": [
            "ContactName": "Andrew Stevens",
            "ContactDepartment": "A4 Papers/Printing",
            "ContactEmail": "",
            "ContactIsPrimary": false
            "ContactName": "Maria Weems",
            "ContactDepartment": "A4 Papers/Pictures",
            "ContactIsPrimary": false
      "SupplierClientBillingAddress": "41st Trueroad , Inglewood CA",
      "SupplierClientShippingAddress1": "",
      "SupplierClientShippingAddress2": "",
      "SupplierClientPhone1": "",
      "SupplierClientPhone2": "",
      "SupplierClientFax": "",
      "SupplierClientIM": "",
      "SupplierClientEmail": "",
      "SupplierClientTaxID": "",
      "SupplierClientComments": "",
      "SupplierClientCustomField1": "",
      "SupplierClientCustomField2": "",
      "SupplierClientCustomField3": "",
      "SupplierClientCustomField4": "",
      "SupplierClientCustomField5": "",
      "SupplierClientCustomField6": "",
      "SupplierClientCustomField7": "",
      "SupplierClientCustomField8": "",
      "SupplierClientCustomField9": "",
      "SupplierClientCustomField10": "",
      "SupplierClientOption1": "",
      "SupplierClientOption2": "",
      "SupplierClientOption3": "",
      "SupplierClientOption4": "",
      "SupplierClientOption5": "",
      "SupplierClientOption6": "",
      "SupplierClientOption7": "",
      "SupplierClientOption8": "",
      "SupplierClientOption9": "",
      "SupplierClientOption10": "",
      "SupplierClientCreationDate": "/Date(1507628895856+0300)/"
   "ResponseStatus": {
      "ErrorCode": "0"
   "entityID": 23


Updates the above supplier by changing his billing address, adding a second shipping address, a phone and an IM contact.


   "mvSupplierClient": {
      "SupplierClientId": "23",
      "SupplierClientName": "A4 Paper Supplier",
      "SupplierClientBillingAddress": "47th Trueroad , Inglewood CA",
      "SupplierClientShippingAddress2": "11th Trueside Boulevard, Jacksonville, FL",
      "SupplierClientPhone1": "+113236237323232",
      "SupplierClientIM": "@andrewstevens2017"
   "mvRecordAction": "Update"


   "mvSupplierClient": {
      "SupplierClientID": 23,
      "SupplierClientType": "Supplier",
      "SupplierClientName": "A4 Paper Supplier",
      "mvContacts": [],
      "SupplierClientBillingAddress": "47th Trueroad , Inglewood CA",
      "SupplierClientShippingAddress1": "",
      "SupplierClientShippingAddress2": "11th Trueside Boulevard, Jacksonville, FL",
      "SupplierClientPhone1": "+113236237323232",
      "SupplierClientPhone2": "",
      "SupplierClientFax": "",
      "SupplierClientIM": "@andrewstevens2017",
      "SupplierClientEmail": "",
      "SupplierClientTaxID": "",
      "SupplierClientCustomField1": "",
      "SupplierClientCustomField2": "",
      "SupplierClientCustomField3": "",
      "SupplierClientCustomField4": "",
      "SupplierClientCustomField5": "",
      "SupplierClientCustomField6": "",
      "SupplierClientCustomField7": "",
      "SupplierClientCustomField8": "",
      "SupplierClientCustomField9": "",
      "SupplierClientCustomField10": "",
      "SupplierClientOption1": "",
      "SupplierClientOption2": "",
      "SupplierClientOption3": "",
      "SupplierClientOption4": "",
      "SupplierClientOption5": "",
      "SupplierClientOption6": "",
      "SupplierClientOption7": "",
      "SupplierClientOption8": "",
      "SupplierClientOption9": "",
      "SupplierClientOption10": "",
      "SupplierClientCreationDate": "/Date(1507628895857-0000)/"
   "ResponseStatus": {
      "ErrorCode": "0"
   "entityID": 23

To override the Content-type in your clients HTTP Accept Header, append the .json suffix or ?format=json

To embed the response in a jsonp callback, append ?callback=myCallback


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /json/reply/SupplierClientUpdate HTTP/1.1 
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: length

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: length
